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Bye Bye Breakouts

Clear Skin with Clear Solutions

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Bye Bye Breakouts

Spring is here, and for many of us, so are breakouts. While every person’s skin is unique, there are effective solutions to address acne by targeting its various underlying causes and concerns, such as inflammation, bacteria and pigmentation.

Managing acne requires a multi-faceted approach, as different breakouts need different types of care. I’ve curated my top recommendations to help you navigate your skincare routine. These essentials focus on everything from proper extraction techniques and targeted treatments to calming the skin and preventing post-acne irregularities. Here are five key steps to consider for clearer, healthier skin:

1. Avoid Squeezing

It’s tempting, we know. But pressing and squeezing can cause unnecessary trauma, leading to redness, swelling and even permanent scarring. Clinically, we use extraction techniques and targeted products during our treatments. Applying the right pressure with clinical tools ensures safe and effective results, minimising trauma while reducing the risk of scarring and discomfort. This allows your skin to heal properly without causing further breakouts. So, until you’re absolutely sure it’s ready, hold off! Let it happen naturally otherwise book an appointment.

2. Targeted Spot Treatment

Spot treatments are my go-to when managing active breakouts. These products are formulated with ingredients that reduce inflammation, target unwanted bacteria and help the skin heal faster. The key is to apply them directly to the breakout, not the entire face. We recommend iS Clinical Active Serum.

3. Prevent Pigmentation

Many of us are prone to post-acne pigmentation, especially those with deeper skin tones. After using a spot treatment, it’s essential to follow up with a pigment-correcting serum. One of our top picks is iS Clinical Brightening Serum, which helps prevent dark spots and hyperpigmentation, leaving your skin smooth and even-toned. Treating acne isn’t just about clearing the breakout; it’s about ensuring your skin recovers beautifully without lasting marks.

4. Consider Red Light Therapy

When you sense a breakout coming, booking a Medisol Rejuvenation session can make a world of difference. This clinical light therapy uses LED technology to target acne and other skin concerns at a cellular level. Red light helps reduce inflammation, while blue light works to eliminate the P. acnes bacteria responsible for breakouts. I recommend LED therapy not only to calm active acne but also to prevent future flare-ups – because preventative care is key. It’s always better to address breakouts early, or even better, prevent the need for corrective treatments for tone irregularities or scarring altogether.

Learn about Medisol Rejuvenation

5. Is It More Than a breakout?

If you’re dealing with chronic breakouts or painful clusters of acne, we offer a range of treatments designed to address acne across its full spectrum of forms. During a Skin Consultation, we analyse your skin and breakouts, prescribing a skincare plan that tackles both the symptoms and potential causes, while focusing on long-term prevention.

Our Deep Healing Acne Facial may be exactly what you need. This off-menu treatment combines deep-clearing techniques with soothing care, addressing acne at both the surface and sub-surface or dermal layers. Our practitioners work to minimise congestion, reduce inflammation and promote healing, all while helping to prevent post-acne scars and pigmentation. Alternatively, the New Beginnings treatment offers an educational experience designed to help you better understand your skin – it’s an opportunity for you to become an expert in how your skin acts and evolves – giving you the clinical knowledge to fight and ultimately prevent acne.

Learn about New Beginnings

While these are our top solutions for treating breakouts, the real key to success lies in getting to know your skin on a deeper level. Understanding its unique tendencies, sensitivities and responses will allow you to take a more tailored approach to care. I encourage you to adopt a skincare routine that’s not just about addressing breakouts but about fostering healthy, preventative habits.

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